Monday, July 21, 2014

Hello, everybody!

We just had a fantastic week! It was full of miracles in many different forms. Sometimes it was just showing up at a member's home who needed some comfort, sometimes it was delicious ice cream :) I want to share one of my favorites.

One morning I lost my planner somewhere. I never lose my planner. I was really worried about finding it. Sister A and I were retracing our steps looking for it. A woman called us to tell us that she found it. She was surprised to find out that it was mine. Every morning she goes for a walk and happened to walk a different path. That's how she found my planner. When we met her to get it, I thanked her and felt like it was supposed to happen. As she was walking away, I quickly told her that we're missionaries and we're here to help teach people who have been going through hard times and asked her if she knew anyone who was going through trials.

She told us that she was going through hard times. She has had so many trials and was starting to give up hope. She told us that she felt like God wanted us to meet. We saw her later in the week and had a special experience with her. After bearing testimony of the power of the Atonement, we invited her to be baptized on a certain date and she accepted. She came to church yesterday and really enjoyed it. This morning she called us to tell us that instead of watching the news that always depresses her, she turned to her Gospel Principles book from Sunday school and read about repentance.

Wow! Miracles happen! I know that Heavenly Father loves all of His children. He never gives up on us, and we can have hope because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ (Moroni 7:41). I hope that y'all have an amazing week full of miracles!

Sister Murdoch

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