Monday, May 18, 2015

Hello, everyone!
This last week was absolutely incredible! We found lots of new friends to teach and had lots of service to do. It's fun being a missionary. I love serving in Columbia City! I felt such a love for them all as we were in church yesterday. It's amazing how quickly I can love people and want so much to help them. It is one of my greatest joys to experience that feeling daily.
I want to share a miracle that happened. About two weeks ago, Sister Mickelsen and I were running at 6:30 in the morning, just like we always do. There is never a question about it, we are asked to run daily, and so we do it. It never really seemed like a big deal, though I have enjoyed handing cards out to people we run by. However, one particular morning, a gentleman pulled over and said,
"Good morning! I see you out running every morning. You two are so diligent! What are you training for?" We responded that we weren't training for anything; just being obedient. He was very impressed. He said that he wanted to talk with us more, but he had to get to work. We didn't see him for two weeks. I knew that he lived in the complex, but I didn't know how on earth we would meet him again. During that time we didn't see him, I prayed that he would find us again.
Friday our mission had a "car fast." No one in the mission drove at all. We all walked or biked, and it was probably the hottest day all week up here. (Trial of faith!) As we were leaving the complex, our friend pulled over again! We exchanged cards, but because of traffic coming, he had to pull away before we gave him our number.
Yesterday morning we called him and invited him to church. He was going to his church, but he said that he would love to sit down with us. We met him outside the complex office later in the evening with a member from the ward. I wish I could tell you how prepared he is! He cried a few times as we talked with him and said that he believes the things we've shared with him. He has 21, 19, and 17 year old daughters. Guess how old us three young women that met him are? 21, 19, and 18. Coincidence? I think not! :) It was a very powerful, spiritual experience for all of us.
I will not have the opportunity to teach him, neither will Sister Mickelsen, because we live in the Huntington Elders area. I am, however, very grateful to be one of the Sisters that first met him and introduced the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to him. Examples go a long way, even if it's just running every morning.
I'll close this epistle now :) I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. He knows everything about everyone of us and will always help and love us. "He hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen" (1 Nephi 9:6).
Have a wonderful week! Don't forget to pray!
Sister Murdoch
P.S. If you need someone to pray for, pray for our friend Ollie who is getting baptized this weekend. Thank you!

                                              Sisters Murdoch and Mickelson
                         Treats for a hot day... just make sure you get neutral colors :)
Treats we bought last week: Sister Mickelsen bought Graeter's ice cream and I bought Gouda cheese :)
                                                       We believe!

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